Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 25 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes March 15, 2017 2954
Environ Skin Care - Original Range (Full Introductory Review at Blog:
(Updated: March 25, 2017)
Overall rating
Introductory Review

Hello ladies, happy you stopped by!

***Some Background***

When Beauty Bulletin asked whether I would like to have my skin Reborn Beautiful, I had no other response other than “yes please!”. And I cannot imagine you responded any other way. At the time, of course I had not known which brand I’d be trying, but I knew that with a tagline as strong as “A beautiful skin for a lifetime”, it would have to be reputable. And it indeed it was, as the product range which I would try out would be the Original Range with Vitamin A as its signature ingredient, by the well known skin care brand, Environ Skin Care.

Upon discovering which brand I would try out, the thought of being sent professional skin care goodies to the value of R 1 100, using these items exclusively for two months, and being able to share such an intimate journey with fellow ladies (you) as concerned about their skin as I am, not only excited me but genuinely scared me too. What if the products reacted negatively to my skin? Or worse yet, what if I shared incorrect facts about the products, facts that would later be relied on by the very ladies I hope to share some valuable insight with? Well, even though I did not have all the answers to allay my worries, the possibility of Reborn Beautiful skin for me, and other ladies alike (you), would make it worth the try. And so my skin care journey began!

***The Original Range***

I am currently reviewing the Original Range which has been scientifically perfected to provide optimum, balanced doses of vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants, which keeps one's skin looking healthy and radiantly beautiful. It's only my second week using the products, though I can see a change in the texture and complexion of my skin.

***Products used****

All the essential skin care products can be found in this range. I am currently using the following:

Pre-Cleanser | Balancing Masque | Foaming Gel Cleanser | Revitalising Toner | Firming Eye Gel | Debut Moisturiser

Check out more of the brand here

***Check out my full introductory post of this range on my blog at***

More posts about the individual products soon!

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