
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

5.0 1 0.5
Blush, Bronzers, Highlighters April 12, 2013 389
Overall rating
This cream blush is also part of the Oz : the great and powerful limited edition collection. At first when I purchased it I thought the colour was too peach for my skin and I was doubting the cream blush would give me a good colour.

As soon as I got home I tried it out, the bottle has a small pump which gives out as much of cream blush as you will need. I guess applying the cream blush with your finger tips would give more colour, but I applied the cream blush to my cheeks by using a damp beauty blender.

The cream blush gave be a beautiful natural colour without any fading or smudging. The blush has a silky smooth texture, the cream blush isn't too weak and has a good creamy consistency which blends well. I would recommend you give this cream blush a try, especially if you love cream blushes. The only downfall is that the cream blush only comes in one colour.
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