Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 34 0.5
Foundations October 11, 2013 1259
Essence soft touch mouse foundation
Overall rating
This morning I decided to try the essence soft touch mouse foundation that was sent to me to review, at first i was put off by the mouse foundation because i had previously used a different brand of mouse foundation as was not at all happy with the results. This foundation however went on so smoothly and gave me a mat smooth silky finish that I was very pleased with. I must say although the coverage isn't that great i would definitely recommend this foundation to girls who have a good skin without any pigmentation that are looking to cover up just a little. It gave me a mat smooth silky finish and blended so easily! One downside to this foundation is it's durability, although it went on great and looked lovely for a few hours it didn't last long at all and eventually looked as if i had no foundation on later in the day. I would definitely wear this foundation around the house but if i were to be going out or to work i would use a more durable foundation.

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