The following common household items may not be fancy, but they are easily available and are the cheapest way to get great looking skin:
Baby powder, an orange mesh bag, and or Mielie Meal.
How to:
Liberally sprinkle the baby powder over a repurposed orange bag, scrub your body before you bathe or shower. The baby powder will absorb the oil on the skin allowing the orange bag to effectively remove all dead skin cells through friction. Like with lip exfoliation, remember to scrub gently in a circular motion. Pain is not the name of the game, soft glowing skin is. If you have no orange bag handy, an exfoliation brush will do.
In case you have neither the bag, nor the brush, then grab a cupful of mielie meal and get ready to kiss dry skin goodbye. Use the dry maize meal to scrub the skin in the same circular motion. Unlike with the baby powder exfoliation method, make sure to thoroughly sweep the mielie meal off the bathtub or shower floor tiles before you bathe. Obviously, no one wants to end up with raw pap in their drain.
With all that physical labour out of the way, you may wash your freshly scrubbed body with an oil–based shower gel before nourishing it with your favourite moisturiser. Now, your skin is ready to be flaunted, just don’t forget to shave 😉
Article by: Meka Mpofu