My skin was fine in terms of color, so it does spray on clear, but I think this is just a marketing gimmick. As for the fragrance itself, there is no “blood and semen” as Gaga originally claimed there would be. It’s your basic fruity floral with a hint of sweetness. If that’s your thing, you will probably like this fragrance. For all the hype (apparently Gaga’s released some risque video ad campaign in support of the Fame), it’s really not that special. You could probably get a similar sort of fragrance from Britney Spears (and don’t be down on her. Curious is an awesome fragrance).Get it if you want to get in on the cool Gaga Factor, but don’t expect anything special. Even for those that like fruity florals, this one is pretty standard fare. If you are like me and like “bigger” fragrances like Chanel No. 5 or Bond No. 9 Nuits de NoHo, this is definitely not going to appeal to you.I have to say it isn’t what I expected from Gaga at all. I thought perhaps it would be something overwhelming and awful. Something I couldn’t or wouldn’t want to wear. It’s actually not as unique as I thought it would be either. It’s not to say that Fame will not appeal to YOU but personally I don’t really like it for myself since I navigate to very sweet fragrances.