So a few weeks ago I decided to try this product out due to its pricing (R69.95 at Clicks). I bought the Deep Amythest dye (3.16). Its a rather small box containing all the usual things a box of hair dye contains. I mixed the colour cream and the developer together and started using it with a brush and waited for at least two hours (I wanted to try and attain an intense colour). Luckily the product didn't have an intense chemical stench. It didn't take long to wash the product out of my hair, it took roughly 10 minutes. The conditioner was alright but I wish there was more because it wasn't enough. When my hair had dried up, I noticed that my hair looked quite dark, which was expected. However, I did not get the desired results. Instead of a slightly purple hue, I ended up with a sort of ruby-red hue which was more intense near the roots of my hair. After about 5 washes, there was still a bit of red visible near the top of my head but the tips of my hair went back to looking brunette. If you have long thick hair, you may need two boxes as one box won't be enough to fully dye your hair.