Beauty Bulletin

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4.2 2 0.5
Face Masks September 02, 2015 486
Good Things Manuka Honey Radiance Face Mask
Overall rating
What is Manuka Honey? It is a flowering tree native to New Zealand. The bees that pollinate from this tree makes honey that have very high antibacterial properties. You see, it has gone so far that the honey is now being classified based on a number value. So if you see Manuka honey 650+ on a tube, then you know it has a very high concentration of anti bacterial properties, meaning the higher the number, the better the product for your skin.

This is a plain Kaolin mask. It smells like all the other manuka honey products, just a little more subtle. When you apply this mask, it heats up upon touching your skin, and you can actually feel it drawing out all the impurities.

I love this range of products and always go back to it because they are budget friendly and they work like wonders on your skin. I have never been disappointed by products that contains Manuka honey. It's just that good!

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