Beauty Bulletin

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5.0 2 0.5
Nail Polishes October 16, 2013 176
HD Glowing Nail Polish : Lilac
Overall rating
So at first when I entered the local store I didn't really believe that these nail polishes were glow in the dark, but because the colour was a cute purple colour and the polish was only R35, I purchased it immediately. The polish is called HD Glowing Nail Polish.

The polish sounded so exciting, as soon as I painted my nails, I allowed drying time and then kept cupping my fingers over the polish to see if it's glow in the dark, but of course there was nothing. I feel embarrassed to say this, but my mother caught me holding my fingers near her lampshade because I thought the nail polish could "charge".

And just to kill the suspense, when I was going to bed and I sleep in the DARK, I saw a light glow on my nails, I switched on the light and "charged" my nails for a few seconds and guess what ladies? GLOWING NAIL POLISH! I was super excited, I really can't explain.

I find this polish so absolutely amazing, because it's glow in the dark and it's been lasting on my nails for over three days with no chips *miracle*. The polish colour is quite sheer, but it's buildable, I noticed the more you layer the polish, the more glow in the dark it becomes.
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