I have the honour of trying out the John Frieda FRIZZ EASE Dream Curls range for the next month, which I am extremely excited for!
I will be doing a FREE GIVEAWAY on my social media platforms:
Instagram: tamara_voges
Snapchat: tamara_chanelv
Facebook: @tamara-chanelvoges
so keep an eye on my pages and if you would like to win, tell me your hair problems and why you think John Frieda is the right choice for you!
I have been a competitive athlete for about 10 years now. I am a provincial water polo player as well as a coach, and all those hours in the pool have definitely taken its toll on my hair. Chlorine has dried my hair out completely and done damage that not even salons can fix, in my opinion, as I get back in the pool doing the same thing again, and I'm back at square one! This has made looking after my hair become quite the pricy challenge.. Bare in mind I am a coastal girl as I am originally from PE, so my wild curls didn't really faze me, until I realized there's no sea breeze giving me my luscious locks!
John Frieda has come to the rescue. Upon receiving the products, I was in ultimate awe. Firstly, the packaging screams out 'PROFESSIONAL'. I could even smell the fragrances from the outside and it smelled exquisite! I couldn't wait for my hair to smell like that.
I used the products that evening and IMMEDIATELY felt a difference in my hair. My curls felt lighter and more natural - they were even shining! My hair was soft and easy to run my fingers through. I felt great! I could not wait to use it again!
I am definitely looking forward to this journey with John Frieda and always feeling like a million bucks with my new and improved curls!