Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.5 17 0.5
Styling Products August 16, 2014 878
Overall rating
I was lucky enough to be chosen to review this range (thanks BB!). I hadn't heard of John Frieda before Beauty Bulletin, nor had I seen it on the shelves, so chances are I wouldn't have tried it otherwise. I didn't know anything about it or what to expect.

This Blow Dry Lotion was probably my favourite of the range. It's a white thin liquid, which you spray onto your hand. It has a very gently stickiness to it, but nothing like hair spray. I applied it to my roots only as per the instructions, tilted my hair upside down and blowdried as normal. The effect was noticeable.

Sometimes I have flat hair days, where no matter what I do, I can't seem to make it look like it has body. It's lifeless, and it's sad. This product will definitely be used on days like that, or days when I need an extra bit of vavavoom, such as a party or event. The bonus is that it has a lovely scent too, similar to the shampoo and conditioner, and this scent lasts... I kept getting whiffs of it all night :)

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