John Frieda® Sheer Blonde Hi-Impact Vibrancy Restoring Colour Collection
(Updated: August 28, 2017)
Overall rating
I have been a loyal John Frieda user ever since I went blonde 3 years ago. Mostly because of the great value for money and need I mention their oil elixirs that make your draped strands look like a golden fountain?
The Sheer Blonde collection is just all about kicking it up a notch. And I LOVE IT! I've been using the range for 2 or 3 weeks now and my hair is loving it.
Smells - like perfume
Looks - like shimmery goo
Feels - silky and dense
Smells - like a mild perfume
Looks - like a dense cream
Feels - luxurious, rich and silky on your hair
Mask: * only used it once so far*
Smells - a little different to the conditioner but still absolutely lovely.
Looks - like tub of hair butter.
Feels - like it can conquer the world
Serum: *my favourite*
Smells - like the finishing products when you have your hair did
Looks - like golden oil
Feels - like a light weight oil
With all of these products a little goes a long way. Which means that you'll get months of use out of one buy.
Not to mention the colour benefits. My hair looked dull before. Best of all... the shampoo and conditioner alone made it possible for me to sing "I woke up like this" ?