The Soft & Shiny Easy Comb Spray with Glycerine off this amazing process. I've been using this range since it came out, so I was ecstatic to review it.
Johnson's Soft & Shiny Easy Comb Spray is great to use right after your baby's hair wash routine or even on dry hair when you're in a rush to get them ready.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Please DO NOT use a thin toothed combed or baby combs on your child's natural hair? Just like ours, it'll only break or tangle the hair further. Rather use an afro comb - which I use - or a wide toothed comb to de-tangle and comb through effectively.
Did I mention the smell is absolutely amazing? Not forgetting that Johnson's Baby Soft & Shiny has the Johnson's "No More Tears" signature stamp that we all love and trust. When using it on dry hair, it gives the moisture needed to comb and de-tangle baby's hair painlessly and with no crying, so if ever you're in a rush and don't have time to wet the hair, this is a great alternative.
I promised that I'd be honest to Johnson's about their product and what our babies need.
As a natural hair advocate mommy, what I'd love to see in future from Johnson's Baby is more natural oils added to their conditioner in addition to the glycerine, such as coconut, avocado or argan oil in the first 5 ingredients, and lesser chemical components. I'm happy that Johnson's has identified that baby's curly/ethnic hair is different and needs just a bit more TLC. And the more natural goodness inside the bottle, the happier the natural hair, baby and mommy :)