Beauty Bulletin

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4.9 18 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes October 21, 2014 1296
Johnson's Hydration Essentials Facial Cleanser
Overall rating
Okay, so I have super oily, and dry skin. Combination on another level lol. I tried numerous products, but none can actually keep me feeling refreshed during the day. I'm also tight on budget, and don't have the moola to be buying all those fancy products. Lets hope this is the one !
Day1: Tried the cleanser first. Very smooth on the skin, gave a nice refreshed feeling once I rinsed it off. Still quite a bit of dryness on my face though.
Day3: For the first time in I don't know how long, I am NOT waking up with an oily face????. Face still feels fresh
Day7: Now I can really see and feel the difference. Less dryness on my cheeks, and minimal oil on my face during the day!
Overall, I would highly recommend the product as it is cost effective, and has great results!! Surprised that it is working so great as I have very sensitive skin.
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