Thank you for choosing me to one of the amazingly lucky ladies to review these absolutely amazing Secretary Johnsons products. I just received my package and just opened it. My heart started pumping when I saw the pretty pink box. ? the excitement was about to blow out my ears hehe. The amazing fragrance was I noticed immediately before I even opened the box.... OMW the sweet fruity smell had me wanting to rip it open and eat it haha. It was almost like there was a fruit salad in the box... that's how fresh and potent the fragrance is and I absolutely love that. I opened the box and found 6x bottles and 2 x soap bars. The packaging is so pretty.... the bottles have pretty shapes and the stickers have stunning pictures of fresh fruits which matches the amazing fragrance. I'm already hooked and I haven't even tried it yet hahaha. I have such dry and blotchy skin so I'm super excited to have moisturised and toned skin after using my new products. I'll be back soon with my video for you guys. For now I'm gonna go hop into a shower and use my awesome Johnsons Products.