If there is one thing, I can’t stand it’s when brands or products claim to be something they’re not. People often misuse the terms, healthy, light, fresh, new, and real.
Well not when it comes to Johnsons!
I am not only impressed but I am blown away. I have reviewed, tried and tested many body lotion and shower products that one can buy off the shelf at your local supermarket and never did I think I could find something alike to this range.
I personally have fallen in love with the Soothing Rose Water range. The shower gel and body lotion are both fantastic. I try not to use shower bar’s as I feel they are not eco-friendly as they waste away on the side of tubs and shower handles and are hard for a traveller to carry around.
When I first tried the Johnsons Rose Water Body Wash I didn’t really expect much, I popped the lid in the shower, and smelt it. WHOA! Was I in for a treat? The smell is absolutely luxurious! It’s deadly in its own way! I literally felt transported into some high class, exclusive spa resort....but I was in my shower at home?
I could literally smell actual roses, not the fragrance or chemical that makes things smell like roses, but actual roses.
After looking at the ingredients, I knew why. Johnsons actually uses the ingredients that they display on their individual products. This isn’t some ball game about flavorings and cooked up chemicals in the lab.
When I got out of the shower I could not wait to try the lotion. Now I have extremely fussy skin. I have never been able to use any kind of lotion or foundation, or base on my face as I immediately start sweating....not kidding.
And when we hit Winter here in South Africa I am often left with dry skin on my face and around my lips, not exactly attractive. So I tried the lotion on my entire body including my face to see what would happen. Lo and behold I went the entire day with a fresh face, sweat free and looking good!
The lotion is one of the best I have ever used. It applies very easily and incredibly smoothly. Here in South Africa when summer comes rolling around the last thing we want on our skin is thick make up or lotion or clothing.
I was impressed at how quickly and how well the lotion absorbed into my skin and then kept it looking smooth and not dry all day. Usually one has to re-apply lotion throughout the day especially if you’re as active as I am.
Speaking of being active, as a traveller, and media personnel I am always running around. Whether its rushing to media events, wine tasting, adventure rock climbing or meetings I need to know I look presentable.
I finally have faith that I have found a natural smelling product that I can pop into my bag, car or travel bag without taking up to much space or leaking.
I am very pleased with my products!
Thank you Johnsons!