Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 1 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes March 31, 2014 628
What a surprise
The day I received my package I seriously needed a lift me up and on opening the package I just felt better. I don't normally use these types of products as I cannot afford to buy the face wash, toner and moisturizer, I use soap and water and cream. I got home and immediately washed my face with the face wash, used the toner and put on some moisturizer (even through it is for the day) and I felt better. I have been using it now for just over a week and I must say I am impressed. Usually if I use things like these I get either a rash or start to get pimples, for the first time, this has not happened.

The products are easy to use, fast and convenient, this means I can do the whole cahoot of face care and still have plenty of time to get ready in the morning.

I love it, love it, love it.

Thank you very much for making me part of this product review, I will definitely scrape to purchase this product in future.
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