Beauty Bulletin

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3.8 54 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams January 19, 2015 1616
yes, it works!
Overall rating
The word out is you have to wait 4 weeks to see results.. I guess I'm the exception ;) .. I saw results within the first week of using this product. Its now week 2 and and I see even more good changes! Fine lines are significantly reduced, my skin feels tighter and elasticity has improved. I was told my skin is glowing with radiance! Wow.. And that sure made my day :) keihl's is surely turning back the clock for me big time! I even feel my face looking less fatter haha yes I have a fat face lol ..

I'm still loving applying this cream day and night. I usually can't stick to a routine for long but when u see results as quick as I have , u bet you're going to apply this religiously! I'm particularly loving the oodles of moisture this cream offers. I also rub a wee bit on my hands and they are looking better and better!

I waited patiently to be selected for a review club and it has paid off! Once again thanks BB..

Hope you beauties will let me know what you think of my recently uploaded pic :D
Can't wait for week 3 :p
Top 10 Reviewer
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