Beauty Bulletin

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3.8 54 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams January 19, 2015 1616
Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream (Week 3)
Overall rating
After using the Super Multi-Corrective Cream for three weeks it has confirmed to me that this moisturiser is really best suited to normal/dry skin as opposed to oilier skin. I have had to stop using it during the day and only use it at night because it makes my t-zone significantly oilier during the day when compared to an oil-free lotion.

My breakouts have not cleared up and I haven't noticed any difference to my visible pores or the texture of my skin. If I compare my week one photos with my week three photos I can't see much visible difference in my skin.

I still really like the texture of this cream and do find it very nourishing and hydrating. The initial tingling on application wore off after the first week, but has been replaced by a slight burning sensation over time. I am sure that my skin is sensitive to an ingredient because it does get quite red when I apply it. My skin always looks much better in the mornings when I wake up (no redness, no dehydration, and looking quite smooth) but the immediate effects on application are a bit worrying.

I think this could be a wonderful option for those with drier and less sensitive skin. I also initially thought it was quite pricey, but when considering how little you need to use this jar will last a long time and is therefore good value.
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