Time flies when you are having fun coupled with final year exams and overall stress. This usually wreaks havoc with my skin.Think, pimples and oily skin. Nasty!Not this time though now that this winner from Kiehls is in the house. After 3 blissful weeks of application, I can honestly say that this super cream works like a bomb. Normally at the onset of Winter, my skin suddenly acts up and starts behaving badly. With this cream, all of that is history. My skin is glowing with health and I am truly feeling confident in my own skin. I am using less makeup,hooray! I love looking at my reflection in the mirror. Those pesky laugh lines are starting to vanish! The results truly speak for themselves and as for me, I am a Kiehls Super Multi Corrective Cream convert! Love everything about this cream and the texture is my favourite part. It sinks right in and transforms my skin to velvet! This cream is a winner in my eyes and gets my vote of approval!