Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

3.8 54 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams January 19, 2015 1616
Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream
Overall rating
When I received the cream I was a little hesitant on using it due to not a lot of creams reacting nicely to my skin, but with this going into my third week of using Kiehl's, I must say that I am very happy and impressed.

The things with my skin is that it still looks young for my age already, so I am not sure if I will be giving the right impression with my pictures, but I can see the change it has made myself within the little time I have used it already.

I have not tried an anti-aging cream myself yet, only being in my early 30's, but am now going to stick to it as I have realised how important it actually is for me to use creams and anti-aging agents.

Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream has smoothed out my skin tone, slightly reduced some of the fine lines I have on my face and overall given my skin a nice feel. It is not only making me look good, but I feel good too after putting it on.

My skin feels fresh and even though it might come out a little oily to some, it has not done anything of such for me which is great as that is usually one of my other problems I have with facial creams.

I am truly enjoying this product and am hoping that I will be able to carry on using it going forward. Definitely something that will be added to my beauty shopping list before it runs out.
After about 2 weeks of use...
Before - just before I started using Kiehl's.
Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream
Top 500 Reviewer
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