Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream - Week 3 onwards
Overall rating
So, it's week 3 and I'm still using my Kiehl's products. The Super Multi-Corrective Cream is now a favourite of mine and I still marvel at how quickly it is absorbed and how well it moisturises. The other plus, being a little goes a long way, is also still true and I sometimes wonder if I'm actually being too stingy with my application, but I'm trying to savour it and use as little product as possible in order to lengthen the usage. Don't want to see the bottom of this little tub!
As far as the anti-aging progress goes, I haven't seen any marked difference, but the way my skin FEELS, has made a remarkable turn-around. It is smooth, it looks healthy and I daresay it even glows! That alone is a big plus for me because I usually have a sullen/dull skin (or so I'm told). I found the product to be a real rejuvenator, even if it's not obvious to the critical eye, I know the difference and applaud the manufacturers of this special product.
I will continue to use it till I DO see the bottom of the tub, but I'm hoping that won't be any time soon. If I see anything dramatic, I will immediately report on it, but so far I can report the benefits are soft, radiant skin that feels nourished and no longer dry and dull.
A definite thumbs-up for Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream!
2 Months down the line and I'm still loving my Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream! I have not noticed a dramatic change in the fine lines or wrinkles, but the way that this product has affected my skin is nothing short of miraculous! I love the texture, the softness and the real hydration I feel when I use this. It really has ticked the box for me and I will continue to use it for as long as it lasts. I wholeheartedly recommend this product - my skin feels more radiant and soft in texture. Having sensitive skin, this is a real bonus for me as there are so many products that I cannot wear. Kiehl's doesn't present any problems for me and I feel confident that it will work for others as it has worked for me. :) Thanks so much, BB Team!