I have NEVER dyed my hair! I've always had, what I like to call, virgin hair. I am rather quickly turning all shades of grey at the tender age of 27, and thought it was time to break out of my comfort zone and give this a try.
I received L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss in Ebony Black. For two weeks it sat on my bookshelf, staring at me, like that unfinished novel of Summer 2012. I took the leap on Saturday evening (9th August) - This day, Women's Day was all about me after all. My darling husband assisted me and we read the instructions carefully, at least 6 times :) You can never be too safe.
I sat back, took a deep breathe, and waved those short, untamed, grey streaks of wisdom goodbye. 20 mins felt like forever, and the black stains on the towel which covered my shoulders were enough to freak me out.
After the rinsing, conditioning, and rinsing again, I walked past mirrors quite quickly, too scared to take a peak, but at the same time, glancing from the corner of my eye LOL I blow-dried my hair, and there it was... NO MORE GREYS! At least that was the first thing I noticed. Then I discovered the smell, a clean, lightly fragranced 'just been to the hair salon' whiff. After way too much excitement, I got some rest and flat ironed my hair in the morning.
I couldn't explain it even if I tried, also, considering I write for a living :)
I loved this product, and would do this again in the near future. I also loved the fact that even though the towel looked completely destroyed, it washed right out while it accompanied me in the shower. Only the images will do justice. All I can say is.... I'm glossed like a boss :)