I was so excited to be chosen to review the L’Oreal Casting Crème Gloss. I was given the Darkest Brown shade, which came just in time because my hair was due for a recolour!
I put on an old t-shirt, slipped on the supplied gloves, shook up the potion according to the simple instructions found in the box and stood in front of the mirror ready to apply the dye to my sad looking faded hair.
The application process wasn’t bad at all; I managed to cover my long hair sufficiently with the product supplied, without creating too much mess along the way. Normally my walls are splattered with dark brown stains, but this wasn’t the case in this situation.
There was no itching during the waiting period, so I think it was gentler on my hair than other dyes. The smell was definitely less ammonia-smelling because my eyes weren’t watering and I didn’t even have to open a window. Go L’Oreal!
I rinsed it off after the required time and used the delicious (and I mean DELICIOUS) smelling conditioner and then ran to blow dry my hair.
I promise I am not lying when I say that my hair felt softer and more glamorous than ever before! I absolutely LOVED the dark colour and the shine that went with it.
That night I went out and all my friends told me how gorgeous my hair looks. I told them all if they ever want a good quality hair dye that won’t leave your hair dry and damaged, they should use L’Oreal Casting Crème Gloss.
Two weeks down the line and my hair is still as dark, shiny and healthy as it was on day one. Thumbs up big time for this product! I love it!