I was excited to get the plum... I love wacky hair but I must say I was a bit disappointed in the colour. Its not as plummy as I would like. Inside (as you can see on the pics) you can hardly see the plum and in full sun it has more or a reddish purple tone to it instead of ... you know, purple.
I had dark dye in my hair which may have also altered the outcome.
Anyhow, Apart from the specific colour the product itself was amazing.
Things I loved:
Was very impressed with the innovation of screwing your colour crème tube into the developer bottle and then squeezing. It in is so cool. It eliminates the element of aim (and some spillage) since you don't have to aim & squeeze to get it all into the tiny hole of the mixing bottle... like with other box dyes.
There is a lot of dye... It was more than enough to cover my shoulder length hair.
(I as trying the ombre effect on my hair and tried to apply a diluted mix to my roots which didn’t have much effect. But that was my experiment... and leaves me with more experimenting to do, and a tale for another day.)
The colouring time is only 20 minutes!! It cuts the usual time in half ... which saves me from sitting in a tiny towel on a freezing winter's ever for too long.
It is indeed non drip... runny enough to get through your hair easily but thick enough not to splatter everywhere.
May hair looks glossy and full and the royal jelly conditioner is so amazing I wish they would sell it separately. It smells so good and makes my hair shiny and pretty! ;-)
Things I love less....
I whish L'Oreal would bring out very vivid colours I mean like... COLOURS... Think, Dark PURPLE instead of brown-with-a purple-tone.
I wish they were cheaper! :-( I tend to gravitate towards the cheaper hair dyes these days and still get good results! It also allows me to experiment and change without breaking the bank.
The bottom line is however this: If money was no issue and they had the colour that tickled my fancy that week, I wont hesitate to buy this product again.
I really really liked working with it and its better than most of others out there in the same price bracket.