Although we were chosen a week ago to do this review, I only received my products on Friday last week, as I wasn't at work on the Thursday, so I haven't had a full week to see the benefits of this eye cream.
I have been noticing a few lines around my eyes that I'm not sure are age lines or dehydration lines (I'm tempted to think the later). I occasionally have dark circles - not something I had in my earlier 20s, and on occasion, puffy eyes (also not something I had in my earlier 20s).
Although I haven't been using this for a week, I've noticed the puffiness that I had last week has gone.. I haven't had to use as much concealer under my eyes as I was using the week before, so clearly the darkness has decreased too. No difference in the lines yet, but it's winter and my skin gets so dehydrated from the colder, drier weather, so I'm hoping by next week I'll see a bigger difference in those!
This tube is so pretty, and the cream smells pretty unscented to me, which is good for the very delicate skin under your eyes. It's a slightly pale peachy colour which probably helps the dark circles, and it feels moisturising without feeling greasy under your eyes. The nicest thing is that it doesn't squirt out of the tube very quickly, so you won't have any wastage!