Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 29 0.5
Eye Creams,Serums August 17, 2015 1501
Genifique Youth Activator - great eye serum
Overall rating
The Youth Activator serum is a clear and gel/silicone like and takes about a minute to absorb. It is easy to apply as it comes with a dropper which has just the right amount for each application.I applied the serum only under my eyes (though it can be used all over the face).
After about a week of applying the serum under my eyes every morning and some nights, the skin under my eyes looked plumper and the dark lines were visibly diminished. The skin feels a lot tighter to the touch as well. The serum sometimes stings a bit on application, especially if I have just exfoliated – which is because of the denatured alcohol in the product. I am head over heels in love with this product. I was sad to see that it cost R655 for 30ml, nevertheless I think it is worth saving for and if you only use if under the eyes it should last some months. I have been using the 7ml sample for 2 weeks now and its only half way, so 30mls should last 4/5 months.
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