Funny enough, in the past, I have found the most beneficial home-made exfoliator, included olive oil and have always used it as my go-to recipe. So when I saw that it was one of the main ingredients, I was eager to make use of the product. I always find that exfoliators are either too rough or too gentle, on your skin, and was more than ecstatic when I felt the texture of this exfoliator. It isn't sand-paper but it isn't angel's kisses, instead it provides a good balance and removes the dead skin cells effectively, without leaving you looking red and blotchy! Olive oil is great in restoring moisture, which is a point often neglected, in exfoliators, as companies believe you will just be making use of a moisturizer after use. However, the added benefit is that the moisture provided by the olive oil will penetrate better, while the micro-beads are scrubbing away the dead skin cells. The result is younger looking, renewed skin! Now, you are probably stressed that the olive oil would cause excessive oiliness, but that is where the Buchu leaves come to play as they remove the oiliness and it evens-out your skin tone.