Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 1 0.5
Makeup Removers October 30, 2013 159
Like Silk Eye Makeup Remover Pads
Overall rating
As a person who loves to wear heavy eye makeup, but also has sensitive eyes, finding an effective eye makeup remover has been difficult.

The Like Silk Eye Makeup Remover Pads are fantastic. I followed the very simply instruction on the side of the container. All I had to do was close one eye and place the pad over the eyelid and eyelashes for a few seconds and then wipe off.

I was amazed at the amount of makeup that came off in one swipe. My heavy mascara and eyeliner required another swipe, but I had a clean eye in less than a minute AND with no vigorous wiping.

Even more amazing was the fact that my eye did not feel irritated at all. There was no stinging, itchiness or redness in my eye.

The only downside is how dry my eye area felt. Along with the makeup, the pads also removed any trace of moisture in my skin around my eye. So, be prepared to dab some eye cream if you plan on using these pads when a full face wash isn’t your next move.
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