Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 95 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes October 06, 2014 48
This new Lipidol Face Cleansing Oil is here to stay
Overall rating
The Lipidol Face Cleansing Oil has become a core part of my skin care regime.
For only R79.90, its value for money and it is effective.
I use it everyday in the morning and at night.
I use it in the morning to create a smooth and fresh canvas for my makeup and I use it at night to remove the makeup that I've had on the entire day.
The face oil is great because it is not messy, it is easy to use and you see the results immediately after you rinse your face because it leaves your face feeling fresh and rejuvenated, as it should after using a cleanser. It is affordable and the average woman is able to purchase it as it is available at Clicks and there are Clicks stores nationwide. Should one wish to purchase the entire range, they would also be able to do so because of the price range and value for money. Thank you to Beauty Bulletin and Lipidol for sending this miracle oil my way. ?

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