Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 95 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes October 06, 2014 49
Lipodol love it
Overall rating
I have an oily skin, so at first when I received the product I thought "but I have an oily skin and this is oil, this is going to leave my skin oily". But I tried it. At first when I applied it to my skin it was just oily and I thought "Why?". So I followed the instuctions wet my hands and with my wet hands rubbed all over my skin... WOW!! It becomes milky like a cleanser and you can actually see the make-up coming off. I especially saw it with some of the drops falling in the basin, it was the colour of my foundation. It is amazing how you can see your make-up coming off. When I rinsed the product and make-up off with water everything was off even my waterproof mascara, and the best part it doesn't burn your eyes after you have rinsed it off before you wipe your face clean, I of course followed the rest of my facial routine, tone and moisturize. My skin wasn't oily and best of all it wasn't dry. The next morning my skin was as soft as a babies skin. I would definately recommend this to anyone its really amazing this product. After a few days of use my skin didn't even break out, wich in my eyes is amazing, as being a beautician I know that usually happens when you use a new product.. Lipodol will from now on be the only product I love and believe in..

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