Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 95 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes October 06, 2014 49
Lipidol Cleansing Oil
Overall rating
I was excited about reviewing this product as I have a very dry skin. The idea of combining oil with a cleanser was appealing to me.
First of all it looks beautiful. That gorgeous blue in that naked bottle really works.
I used 3 criteria to rate the product and this is my experience:
1. How it makes my skin feel
Amazing! None of that super stretchy feeling after cleansing my face. I did however have to moisturise after using it. My skin in very dry and I think this will give it that extra nourishment that it needs.

2. Ease of use
It is easy to use but it is different from what I am used to. You have to apply it on a dry skin and many times I wet my face out of habit. When you are conscious of it though it is easy to use

3. Does it actually work
I’m afraid this area did not fare so well with me. I use liquid eyeliner on most days and it struggles to remove it. Unless you massage your eye area for quite some time and if you get any of this product in your eyes it burns like CRAZY.

The verdict: I am now using this product in the morning because I love how it makes my skin feel.

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