So It's almost two weeks since I started using the Listerine Advanced White mouth wash and here are my thoughts...
To be honest, I have noticed a slight sensitivity to my teeth in the past week and I did find a slight discomfort is gargling with the product for 60 seconds twice a day! It did create a burning sensation in my mouth. But I guess that could just be the product at work to make some magic! And thats where the next part comes in..
Results? I definately have noticed a change in the colour of my teeth in the past week. It is not 100% pearly whites... but c'mon.. for the price? It definately will LIGHTEN your teeth... however not so much WHITEN it.
Despite the burning sensation during application, the after effect feels amazing! my mouth feels super clean and fresh (I'm all about oral hygiene! and the freshness lasts almost all day.)
A tip that I can give you guys is definately rinse your mouth in warm water after application and not cold water! also, the results reflect better when the product is used after brushing your teeth TWICE A DAY! (Don't be lazy ;) )