Moisturizers,Day Creams, Night CreamsFebruary 22, 2012616
Overall rating
I started using this cream about 6 months ago and have been so amazed with the results achieved. I am at the age where my smile lines are starting to leave fine creases on my skin and I can see my skin is not what it use to be. Things are taking a little longer to heal and waking up I noticed that the creases left on my face from my pillow are taking longer to disappear. I started using the cream and after 3 weeks I could see a change in my skin. I find that 3 pumps of the tube is enough cream to cover my face, neck and chest area and each tube lasts me about 2 and a half months. This cream has definitely helped the overall appearance of my skin and made me recapture the youthful glow that I was starting to see slowly fade away.