
Beauty Bulletin

Lush Comforter Bubble Bar

March 30, 2014
5.0 (2)
Lush Comforter Bubble Bar

This fruity bubble bar gives the feeling of being hugged by a jolly blackcurrant. When life is getting you down, crumble The Comforter under hot, running water for purple water and creamy bubbles. The warm aroma of cassis absolute is relaxing so relaxing that you'll go to bed feeling happier and the world will seem brighter the next day.

User reviews

2 reviews
Overall rating
Product Recommendation
Comforter bubble bar by Lush
Overall rating
I am a massive Lush fan and even went to the opening of their new store in Gateway. Out of all of their bubble bars, The Comforter is most definitely my favourite.

It smells beyond incredible and gives you a huge bath-ful of bubbles! The ultimate treat to relax in after a long day at work...
Top 10 Reviewer
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The Comforter Bubble Bar
Overall rating
BUBBLES... BUBBLES... BUBBLES and MORE bubbles!!! So I hear the bloggers rave about this product, and now I know why it is so amazing. This comforter bar is magical. On Saturday I wanted to have a relaxing day, relaxing like SUPER RELAXING. I started by crumbling this yummy "berrylicious" bar under the warm water. The bathroom was filled with delicious scent which lasted for hours.

Few minutes after crumbling the bubble bar, the bathtub was filled with the biggest, fluffiest and softest bubbles I could ever find, and trust me... I am not overreacting. There was seriously so much bubbles... I managed to make a bubble beard (laugh, I laughed at myself when I did it as well, it brought back some childhood memories). Life is always so rushed, I guess this bubble bar made me feel so relaxed, it even brought out the small child in me.

The bubbles are so long lasting, they lasted even after one hour, and let's not forget the purplish water... can the blogger of Purple Sparkle say any more on bathing in purple water? I felt so relaxed after having a bath, that now I feel like having a bubble bath everyday!

I'd give this product a BIG thumbs up! It gave me the best bubble bath I've ever had, I'd recommend you give this Lush Comforter Bubble Bar a try. It retails at R54.50 per 200g and is very long lasting because you just need to crumble a small piece under hot water and you will have a tub of the softest happiness bubbles. Have you tried the Lush Comforter Bubble Bar? Let me know what you think about it!
#1 Reviewer
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On a recent trip to the Waterfront, the Lush Store called me. No really, I was upstairs, far away from the store and I could smell al the soaps and I had to pop in. I have heard a lot of things about their bubble bars and after sniffing everything like a crazy person, I ended up going home with two. The Comforter and Creamy Candy (which I will review once I have used it). The Comforter cost me about R44 and the sales person said I could use it twice by just running it under water. I have worked around this and could probably use it 4 or 5 times. The comforter smells like a mixture of berries and ice cream. But the berries smell definitely overpowers everything else. The bar itself has really vibrant and stands out among my other bath goodies.
How I used it...
I broke off a tiny piece (about 1/5) of the bar and as I poured water into the bath i held my hand under the running water. Do not attempt this if you are one of those people that loves really scorching hot bath water! My water turned a bright pink (fun!) and my whole entire bathroom filled up with the scent of the bar. Once I was done, the bath was filled with bubbles! Its that easy. When you break it off, you might noticed your hand getting stained but really, that goes away immediately.
Once in the bath, I really did feel a lot calmer. I am not too sure if it was the scent or if I really just wanted it to work so badly. If anyone else has tried it, let me know. The bubbles lasted the whole time (about 20mins) which was really amazing since most products I use do not.
Once out, my skin did feel quite hydrated but in a good way. It wasn't oily or anything. It felt nice.
The smell stayed on my body for quite a few hours which I didn't expect at all. I am accustomed to bath products losing their smell after the first 20 minutes! I usually don't like a scent to last that long but because I was getting into bed, it really was nice.
Lastly, I should include that their packaging is adorable and can be recycled. Each packet has a little message on it and one even told me to add the packaging to my compost heap. Big ups to Lush!
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