Beauty Bulletin

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4.6 7 0.5
Scrubs, Exfoliators, Peels July 16, 2014 541
Mint Julips
Overall rating
As girls we all want to be able to wear shimmery and matte lip gloss without having to worry about dry lips, dead skin, cracks and peeling lips. With Lush's Mint Julips lip scrub this can be a reality, as the weather changes and dehydrates our skin it has the same effect on our lips, dehydration, cracking and more, thanks to this product you are moments away from soft, smooth lips.
I've been using the product twice a day for roughly a week and have noticed a huge difference in the 'state' of my lips, they are soft, smooth and silky and it can only be caused by Mint Julips.

The scrub is 100% natural and safe to eat (they do after all recommend that you lick it off your lips), it has a beautiful minty- vanilla taste and leaves your lips feeling smooth and your breathe feeling fresh. The price is rather high (R95) for the size of the tub, especially as with a good ingredient list you could replicate this or similar at home, but the amount that you 'need' to use is minimal so it will last you a very very long time.
I find the best way to apply is to lightly tap my finger on the sugar, I don't dig my finger into the pot and I don't advise you trying to 'scoop' using long nails as you will waste the product. Also be warned do not get any liquid in the scrub as it will melt!
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