Beauty Bulletin

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4.9 11 0.5
Bath Soaps, Cleansers, Washes June 08, 2014 805
Same feeling in a bathtub relaxing or late quick shower
Overall rating
Few weeks back I had the opportunity to review Lux products I was given the sheer Twilight Fragranced Body Wash  and two Lux beauty Soaps: Lux Soft Touch and Lux Sheer Twilight.
My first few weeks I started  with my review and it was the Fragranced Body wash I enjoyed every minute of my pampering times feeling like a Goddess then my  body Wash ran out mmmm, then I started using the Sheer Twilight Beauty Bar: experience was wonderful. Theirs not much different from the body wash and the bar soaps. The Fragranced still transformed me back to my oasis in the desert. I'm happy to say Lux is very affordable... If you have a hectic life or can't keep up with the Jones ( spa getaways on weekends ?) why not turn your bathroom into your own personal spa. Because coming out of the shower or bathtub is the same when using Lux long lasting, enchanting scent on your skin.
Top 1000 Reviewer
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