Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.7 38 0.5
Bath Soaps, Cleansers, Washes October 28, 2015 1288
Scents of Luxury in Gardens of French Roses
Overall rating
I have always been a fan of Lux their scents are so amazing and lasting.

And being chosen as one of the lucky few ladies to review the Lux Soft Touch in French Rose, can say this one of my favourite scents of all time from Lux.

Overall review:
At times I really struggle with dry skin issues or soaps don't agree with my skin and then I get these dry skin patches. But after a few washes using the Lux Soft Touch bar I really didn't feel any dry patches my skin felt soft and smooth, and not to mention the most amazing scent on my skin true luxury. I love that they come in both bars and shower cream body washes.

I will continue to use Lux products but the French Rose is right on top of my list of time scents from the Range. Great buy with many other variants and scents to try if you are the biggest the fan of rose which I am a fan of, and Lux are so affordable and easy on the pocket every month.

P.S leaves your bathroom with the most amazing lingering scent in the world

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