Beauty Bulletin

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4.9 3 0.5
Primers, Illuminators, Setting Sprays May 19, 2011 188
Super durable eye shadow primer
Overall rating
I have been on a search for a good eye shadow primer for a long time. My last purchase was MAC paint pot. Even though it made eye shadow stick better, it still didn't prevent creasing. I am not sure if my lids are super oily but nothing really seemed to work. After doing some research I decided to give this paint a try.

MAC paint in shade Untitled is a nude cream shadow. It is very pale and completely blends with fair skin. It has a bit of a grey pinky tint when it comes out of the tube but on the skin it is pretty invisible. Now this stuff REALLY turns to powder. It dries up very fast so you need to spread it straight away. Once it is dry it is like cement - it really wont move anywhere and won't crease. I have definitely had the best eye shadow wear with this primer. I normally apply it on top of my eye gel. I really need an absolute tiny bit to spread all over the lid. Then I give it a minute to dry and start applying my eyeshadow straight on top of it. It holds it like glue! Amazing product! Definitely will repurchase as it is the only thing that really works for me. From my research, this particular shade Untitled is especially durable and long lasting.

What I don't like about the product is the packaging. It comes in a metal tube and those are very hard to use because sometimes the product keeps coming out when you are not sqeezing. The very first time you open the tube a whole bunch pours out because the pressure pushes it out due to a trapped bubble. I got a little sample pot container from MAC to put all this excess product into because it is way too expensive to waste it. Anyway, the packaging leaves much to be desired but it would never deter me from buying this again because the actual product is great!

Very very recommended!
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