My excitement cannot be explained, I want to jump up and down and scream I found the best product in the world (to me it is). So Edgars had their red carpet this weekend, and i took full advantage = bought every type of make up item i wanted. Okay okay I've calmed down, I go crazy for nail polishes because they so expressful (I have poetic licence) well because I change my nail polishes all the time, I'm always looking for a good nail polish remover which won't dry out my cuticles and be harsh on my nails, and also won't smell like poisonous toxins have been released in my house.
And we have a winner *DING DING DING*
This amazing polish is so effortless and quick, all you do is insert your finger with the polish you want to remove, and twist your finger to the right, and the to the left! DONE For the first time in my life it took me under 5 minutes to remove all of my nail polish, and even the tiny bits in the side. I was so impressed.
Plus to make this product even better... It doesn't have Acetone, so it's effective and gentle. It has a sweet smelling scent, close to strawberries and vanilla. And the nail polish remover has almond oil to nourish cuticles,
I recommend this product to everyone who doesn't have time to sit with a cotton ball and nail polish remover and a person who isn't patient enough to take out the bits of polish in the sides.