
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 11 0.5
Powders March 19, 2014 708
Maybelline Clear Smooth powder
(Updated: July 02, 2015)
Overall rating
I wear powder every single day - I actually don't feel made up unless I've set my makeup with a little dusting of powder, even in winter.

I have tried SO many different powders and am so fussy with what I like. But this powder is by far the best I've used in comparison to the price! My favourite powder is most definitely the Estee Lauder compact but at over R400 a pop it's not in my makeup collection anymore, as I just go through it too fast to make it worth the money.

I've been using different Revlon powders (the Photo Ready, the Naked Skin and the Photo Ready powder foundation), Essence powder, Loreal, Rimmel, Yardley etc etc.

The price of this powder is more than that of the Essence powder (what could be cheaper than Essence anyway haha) but cheaper than any of the other powders I've tried and it is AMAZING!

The quality is fantastic and it works so so well! I barely need to touch it up at all during the day and my skin can still glow through the matt-ness, rather than making me look dry and cakey!!!

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