Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 24 0.5
Lipsticks October 21, 2010 815
Overall rating
I've nicknamed my Maybelline Bold Matte 1 my Miley Cyrus lipstick. It's not just hot pink...its HAWT PINK!!

I'm not too fond of pink lipstick, but I was willing to give this one a shot. Being a redhead you can't wear too much pink as my colouring has a pinkesh tinge to it anyway and wearing anything pink just makes me look like someone's slapped my face really hard.

But having red hair is the bomb and I don't let it limit me to what colours I wear. However, there are shades that suit be better. I usually stick to red lippy that has a hint of brown in it.

This one is brighter than bright. It frikken glows in the dark! I think you can actually see this lip colour from outter space! Wearing this lippy, I could probably be used as a beacon to warn ships of land nearby. There would be NO mistaking me at a rave or neon party. I could wear this shade when I'm patrolling with the CPF and they wouldn't have to use their daylight torches. This lippy has many uses....and truly a bargain being such a gorgeous multi-tasker.

Its moisturising and long-lasting and beautifully matte. A swish of lipgloss over the top could glam it up immediately. the packaging mirrors the lippy's mattness with its bright outter.

A crowd stopper and not suitable for shrinking violets!

LOVE, love, LOVE!

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