99% of the time I am late for work which means I dont really have time for a full make up routine on most mornings especially with Gauteng traffic . There's also the heat element , nobody once any heavy foundation on their faces when its hot !
For the above reasons I decided to try out the Maybelline BB cream , I have combination skin but this product still does wonders for my skin .
It hides all blemishes and pigmentation issues like a charm .
The consistency is light weight and is easy to use when applying . I apply it like a normal moisturizer and set with a loose powder . My skin is left looking awake and flawless yet still so natural .
The product is sold in a neat tube and dispenses easily , its almost impossible to waste because you only need to squeeze 1 or 2 drops on your hand .
Its fairly reasonably priced at R99.95 per tube in most stores and when on sale between R50 and R60 .
I love this so much that I have not 1 or 2 , but 3 back ups :)