Beauty Bulletin

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4.2 7 0.5
Nail Polishes November 09, 2012 416
Overall rating
This is by far the worst nail polish i have ever used and io really think maybelline should not do nail polishes it streaks and forms little bubbles and starts to flake off the very next day really doesn't last for it's claim of 7 days even with a top coat. The only great thing is it does dry very quickly but the downside of all quick drying nail polish is that they i never buy these types is because they compromise the wearing time for quick drying time due to the formula. Rather put aside 1 hour on a weekend to do the nails properly where it will last a week at minimum. I also must say that i have been converted to gelish so once you try that i really find it hard to use normal polishes. Plus i also spotted these at dischem in the bargin buckets which means they arent selling for R20 and when they first launched they where going for R70 which is more than half the price. Really don't recommend these it would be such a waste of money.
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