
Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 6 0.5
Bath Soaps, Cleansers, Washes December 10, 2013 347
Linen Spray
Overall rating
Price: R65

Don't you just love climbing into bed right after the linen has been washed? The scent of the fabric softener is enough to put you into a deep, pleasant sleep until your hubby decides to interrupt you with a loud, belligerent fart, followed by a satisfied laugh. While he rolls over and starts with the obnoxious snoring, you are left lying there, annoyed that you couldn't have that scent last just one night! For me, I have to compete with a husband and 4 dogs who insist on sleeping in our bed too. Needless to say, if I want that fresh smell daily, I would be better of changing the linen daily. Until now. I have tried other linen sprays, from places like @home and MR. Price Home, but they always seem to wear off before I even put the bottle down. I was given the 3 linen sprays from the natural collection and I am head over heels for all of them especially the fresh tea and cucumber fragrance. This spray is useful in other ways too, though, as I have started using it to primp up my clothing drawers, use it as a room spray before guests visit and most recently I have started using it in my dehumidifying fan, so that the mist is infused with intoxicating scents comparable to the scent of freshly brewed coffee. This spray completes the ambiance of any room, making it feel cleaner and calmer with one quick squirt!
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