Beauty Bulletin

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4.5 11 0.5
Styling Products June 03, 2020 535
Nature Box Apricot Variant Review by @Nicoletylerblog
Overall rating
As a natural hair,beauty and life enthusiast ,I am extremely conscious when it comes to the products that i use for my hair and body. It has been an absolute blast reviewing this range and definitely now one of my favorite products. I was quite impressed with the range as a whole and have seen quite good results.I was not expecting the products to be as effective as what it was and i am very impressed.It is always quite nice to see a brand pride itself in caring for the environment and the consumers of the product. I completely love the fact that it is sulfate free and that 96% of the ingredients are natural. Using these products over the last few weeks was definitely the detox that my hair needed from previous exposure to chemically laden products.I must say however that i would like it if Nature Box could have like a treatment for us natural enthusiast for after we wash our hair and rinse out the conditioner ,like a curling cream or even a leave-in-conditioner , a co-wash would even be more amazing too. Definitely plan on heading over to clicks and trying out their other ranges, it's 100% worth investing in.First up would definitely be to try the avocado range out.
This brand as previously stated is definitely worth the investment if you looking for quality ,affordable products that cater to all your needs and even better because of how environmentally friendly and natural it is.
Well done to the team who formulated and worked on this brand , it's worth every cent and will definitely be apart of my natural hair journey in the future.

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