Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 3 0.5
Health and Wellbeing December 20, 2017 787
Nature's Choice Activated Charcoal
Overall rating
I've been using activated charcoal as a peel off mask for almost a year now. It has most certainly helped in removing whiteheads and blackheads. I've found my skin to be smoother and less likely to get huge pimples. I make my own peel-off paste and this is how:

I mix one teaspoon of charcoal with clear unflavoured gelatin in hot water. Once I attained a thick paste I apply the paste all over my face. Once it's dried up I peel it off.
Alternatively you can purchase a ready made charcoal peel-off at your local beauty supply.

Another good face mask that is infused with activated charcoal is the bentonite clay mask; which however isn't a peel-off mask but will leave you with a fresh face. This mask consists of bentonite clay, activated charcoal and apple cider vinegar. These three components mixed together leaved for skin feeling soft and smooth.
Disclaimer* please test out the apple cider vinegar on a patch of your skin before using it as it may be harsh on some skin.

I also use Activated charcoal as a teeth whitening agent. Though it is a slow whitening process, with consistency you will eventually see the results. The natural way of whitening teeth takes time and patience. If your patient enough and keen on trying just add the charcoal to your normal toothpaste and brush as normal.

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DIY Peel-Off Charcoal Mask
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