Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 23 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes November 01, 2016 769
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Cleansing Facial Wipes
Overall rating
They come in a re-sealable bag that I found quite handy. Bag contains 25 soft wipes and costs only R99.95.

Is the product easy to use?
I’ve always loved wipes for refreshing during the day or removing makeup at night so these came in handy. I’m not huge on makeup, only using mascara and liner so it came in handy to easily remove my makeup with no hassle.

Is it of a high quality?
One wipe sheet was enough, each sheet is thick enough. The scent was ok, didn’t linger.

Is it geared towards somebody like me?
I was already using wipes so I added it simple to my routine.

Have others had a good experience with the product?
I always check for reviews before using a product and, I must say, I wasn’t disappointed at all. Neutrogena Hydro Boost has won numerous award in the beauty industry and I had to give the line a try.

What are the pros and cons of the product?
It is handy to wipe any oily spots or for refreshing during the day. The packaging is ACTUALLY re-sealable, keeping the wipes moist and fresh.

What alternatives are available, and how do they measure up?
Most alternatives I have used before were cheaper but for fewer wipes. The alternatives, however, usually have a detergent smell to them that I loath. I always look forward to using Neutrogena Hydro Boost Wipes; they make my skin feel soft and moist without the need to add a moisturiser.

Is the product worth my money?
They are a little bit pricey. They are worth it, though.

Product Recommendation

Would you recommend this product?
Would you repurchase this product?
After 2 weeks
first wash day
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