Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 23 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes November 01, 2016 769
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Facial Wipes #AlwaysBounceBackSA
Overall rating
I was fortunate enough to receive a few products from the Neutrogena Hydro boost Range. One of the products I received was the facial wipes. Here are my thoughts:

Price: These retail for R99.95 and are available both online and in selected pharmacies nationwide. The price point is a little bit pricey since you only receive 25 wipes. However, the quality of the wipes are great so this is somewhat acceptable.

Usage: I mostly use these to remove the outer layer of my face makeup. It removes majority of the makeup which I find to be great. I also enjoy using this after gyming since it leaves me feeling refreshed.

Other pro's: Another thing I love about this product is that it is oil free and alcohol free. It is quite compact and fits easily in my handbag to take out. It has an absolutely amazing smell- which makes me feel great.

Overall thoughts: I really enjoyed using this product. Unlike most other makeup wipes, it doesn't leave my face feeling dry and itchy. Rather, it leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturised. I would definitely reuse this product and recommend this to all my friends.

Hope you enjoyed!

#AlwaysBounceBackSA #NeutrogenaSa

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