Beauty Bulletin

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4.8 23 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes November 01, 2016 769
Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Facial Wipes
(Updated: February 05, 2017)
Overall rating
These wipes are great for removing makeup or just wiping oily skin during the course of the day. They are extremely moisturizing and work effectively at removing ALL your makeup. I only needed one wipe to remove a face of makeup (I generally don't wear heavy amounts of makeup during the week. It removes waterproof eyeliner and mascara REALLY well. I use Kat von D's Tattoo liner, which stays on really well, and I usually have a hard time removing it, and these wipes remove the liner really well. I've been using these products for 2 and a half weeks. I'm going to review this product under headings:

There are 25 wipes in the package of Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Facial wipes.

The wipes are quite heavily scented, if you're not into that. My skin isn't very sensitive, so perhaps someone with eczema should maybe be careful with these wipes.

The wipes remove pretty much all your makeup, which means you only really have to use one wipe, followed by cleansing to remove all your makeup. In this way, the wipes become cost effective, as you don't need to use as many to remove your makeup. I sometimes find myself using 2 to 3 wipes of a cheaper brand, just to remove all the makeup off my face.

Skin benefits:
These wipes leave your skin feeling so moisturized and not tight or dry. I really love this as facial wipes tend to leave your face often feeling really tight, and can often lead to dry flaking skin as they strip the natural oils from your face. These do not do that, which is awesome! I also found that I haven't broken out once using these products, which is pretty awesome, considering I have acne prone skin.

I definitely recommend trying these wipes out, they really are so moisturizing and it is especially great to have during summer, when the wind and sun is so drying to one's skin.

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