Beauty Bulletin

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4.7 50 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes January 17, 2017 1444
Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Range review by Tumi
Overall rating
I knew i was on the right path when the delivery guy said to me i don't need all these beauty products because my skin looked GREAT! That’s a bonus. I can't help but mention when i heard about the Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Range i had to sink my skin in it. Now i know I'm a Skin Care Therapist but believe me when i say i have found the ultimate powerhouse for your skin.

The Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel® is just that....a gel that is water based meaning HYDRATION and quick ABSORPTION. Truth is if you are like me and have dry sometimes sensitive skin this product will take a lot of getting used to due to is quick absorption, you end up feeling like smothering the entire tub empty!!! No No NO Less is More. check out my daily routine using the entire range.

Not only is this product my ultimate summer usage but its oil-free content is Non comedogenic meaning it doesn't tend to cause black/whiteheads by blocking the pores of the skin.......... To increase natural nutrients and absorption use the Hydro Boost Water Gel® day and night along with the Hydro Boost water Cleanser® by Neutrogena® you should already feel and notice that the skin feels supple and less dry before applying the Hydro boost water gel®

Get your skin looking Healthy and Radiant this season. #Alwaysbouncebacksa #BeautyBulletin #Neutrogena
Ok so i was so impressed when i found out you can purchase the Neutrogena range including the Hydro boost collection at any Health and Beauty Stores i.e. Dis Chem and Clicks **Yaaaas** true life saver indeed as a Skin Therapist i must admit that the entire range including the Water gel left my skin feeling light and gave me that all-day clean feel.

Below i have written a check list of all the products Available at either Dis Chem or Clicks.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser 200ml (R99.95)

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Micellar Water 200ml (R99.55)

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream 50ml (R139.95)

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